تغییرات ساختاری جدی در سیستم NOC

بدون دیدگاه
برچسب ها : NOC, تعریف شغلی در کانادا, طبقه بندی ملی مشاغل, مهاجرت

این مطلب را به اشتراک بگذارید 

هر ده سال یکبار، طبقه بندی مشاغل ملی کانادا (NOC) مورد بازنگری ساختاری عمده ای قرار می گیرد و طی آن گروه های شغلی موجود به همراه ورودی های جمع آوری شده از بسیاری از ذینفعان و از طریق یک فرآیند مشاوره مورد بررسی قرار می گیرند. NOC به عنوان بخشی از مشارکت بین سازمان آمار کانادا (STC) و سازمان اشتغال و توسعه اجتماعی کانادا (ESDC) تلقی میشود.

بر اساس اعلام سازمان آمار کانادا، تغییرات ساختاری فراوانی در NOC 2021 اعمال خواهد شد. در حال حاضر نسخه 2016 این سند مورد استفاده قرار میگیرد. بر اساس این نسخه، حدود 42 درصد مشاغل در سطح Skill B (مشاغلی که نیازمند داشتن تحصیلات کالج و بالاتر میباشند) قرار گرفته اند. به منظور شفافیت بیشتر مقرر شده تا یک گروه شغلی دیگر به گروه های فعلی NOC اضافه شود. بر اساس تصمیمات اتخاذ شده، تقسیم بندی NOC بر اساس Training, Education, Experience and Responsibilities (TEER) خواهد بود.

Distribution of NOC Unit Groups by Skill Level

NOC 2016
Skill Level A 28%
Skill Level B 42%
Skill Level C 24%
Skill Level D 6%

Distribution of NOC Unit Groups by TEER

NOC 2021
TEER Category 0 9%
TEER Category 1 19%
TEER Category 2 31%
TEER Category 3 14%
TEER Category 4 18%
TEER Category 5 9%


بر اساس این تغییرات، کد NOC از چهار رقم به پنج رقم تغییر خواهد کرد. برای اطلاعات بیشتر میتوانید جداول زیر و نحوه نامگذاری و کد گذاری NOC را مشاهده نمایید:

NOC 2016

The skill type category is when the first digit is
Management occupations 0
Business, finance and administration occupations 1
Natural and applied sciences and related occupations 2
Health occupations 3
Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services 4
Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport 5
Sales and service occupations 6
Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations 7
Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations 8
Occupations in manufacturing and utilities 9

NOC 2016 skill level criteria – education/training and other criteria

The Skill Level category is when the second digit is
Skill Level A 0 و یا 1
Skill Level B 2 و یا 3
Skill Level C 4 و یا 5
Skill Level D 6 و یا 7


NOC 2021

Title of Hierarchy Format Digit Represents
Broad Category X First Digit – X Occupational categorization
Major Group XX Second Digit xX TEER categorization
Sub-major Group XX.X xx.X Top level of the Sub-Major Group
Minor Group XX.XX xx.XX Hierarchy within the Sub-Major Group
Unit Group XX.XXX xx.XXX Hierarchy within the Minor Group
Broad Category – Occupation when the first digit is
Legislative and senior management occupations 0
Business, finance and administration occupations 1
Natural and applied sciences and related occupations 2
Health occupations 3
Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services 4
Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport 5
Sales and service occupations 6
Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations 7
Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations 8
Occupations in manufacturing and utilities 9
The Training, Education, Experience and Responsibility (TEER) when the second digit is
 Management – TEER 0
Completion of a university degree (bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate)
Previous experience and expertise in subject matter knowledge from a related occupation found in TEER 2 (when applicable)
Completion of a post-secondary education program of two to three years at community college, institute of technology or CÉGEP
Completion of an apprenticeship training program of two to five years
Occupations with supervisory or significant safety (e.g. police officers and firefighters) responsibilities
Several years of experience in a related occupation from TEER 3 (when applicable)
Completion of a post-secondary education program of less than two years at community college, institute of technology or CÉGEP
Completion of an apprenticeship training program of less than two years
More than six months of on-the-job training, training courses or specific work experience with some secondary school education
Several years of experience in a related occupation from TEER 4 (when applicable)
Completion of secondary school
Several weeks of on-the-job training with some secondary school education; or
Experience in a related occupation from TEER 5 (when applicable)
Short work demonstration and no formal educational requirements 5


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